Christmas Toys and Treats Have Arrived! While Stocks Last!
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Tubifex as a treat for all ornamental fish from 8-20 cm
Tubifex are part of the natural diet of many ornamental fish that search the ground for food. The 15-85 mm long Tubifex live in the soil and the blood pigment haemoglobin results in their red colour as long as they live. During the freeze-drying process, the red colour disappears. Unlike live and frozen food, there is no danger of introducing diseases or unwanted bacteria into the aquarium.
The JBL PRONOVO FEX "chunks" float on the water surface because of their buoyancy. The fish can bite off smaller chunks there. Alternatively, the chunks can be pressed slightly in the water so that their buoyancy is reduced.
Food size/mouth size:
It may sound obvious, but it is important that the food size fits the mouth size of the fish. Not all fish are able to bite off larger chunks of food. The fish size to which the food size fits is written on all JBL food tins at the bottom left of the front of the labels.