Active Ingredient
Praziquantel 100mg, Oxantel Embonate 1084mg and Pyrantel Embonate 286mg
Do not use in puppies under 2 weeks of age and less than 1.5kg. This medication should not be used in animals allergic to it.
Possible Side Effects
The side effects of Aristopet All Wormers are rare at the recommended dosage. It has a wide margin of safety for all sizes and breeds of dogs. It is approved for use in puppies as young as 2 weeks, old animals, greyhounds, working dogs, pregnant females, breeding bitches and stud dogs. It may be combined with other treatments, for example heartworm prevention, flea and tick treatments and vaccination.
Please weigh your dogs before treatment to avoid overdosing. Write down the date, the dog's name and weight on the Worm Control Chart on the sleeve of the package, to keep an accurate record of treatment.
Your dogs are treated by weight with the appropriate sized tablet or combination of tablets. Aristopet Allwormer is given as a single dose by mouth. Fasting prior to dosing is not necessary. One 20kg tablet for medium. large and xlarge dogs will treat a dog up to 20kg. Dogs over 20kg and other weights are given a combination of the tablets.
Treat pregnant bitches at the time of mating, before whelping and every 3 months.
For Hydatid Tapeworm; Dogs should not be fed or allowed to feed on offal from any species. Dogs in hydatid areas should be treated every 6 weeks. For other tapeworms, treat every 3 months.
For Roundworm and Hookworm; Treat at 2,4,8 and 12 weeks of age - thereafter every 3 months.
For whipworms; treat 6 to 8 weeks after 3 months of age.
To ensure effective worm control, treat all dogs in the household at the same time.
Animals infested with worms are a continual source of reinfestation to other dogs.
Signs of worm infestation in dogs are lack of energy, loss of weight, vomiting and diarrhoea. An important part of the worming program is flea control. Dogs are frequently infested by tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum) which uses the flea as a carrier.