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Profender Allwormer for Cats 5 - 8kg
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Profender Allwormer for Cats 5 - 8kg


Stress-free treatment
Profender combines powerful, broad-spectrum control of intestinal worms with the ease
and convenience of spot-on treatment. No more struggling cats. And above all, no more worms.

Worm-free cats
Profender protects your cat from hookworms, roundworms and tapeworms in one easy treatment.

Powerful, broad spectrum control of intestinal worms. Profender is the world's first spot-on intestinal wormer for cats. It contains two active ingredients - emodepside and praziquantel - which are quickly absorbed through the skin to give effective control of all gastrointestinal worms.

How does Profender work?
Profender contains new technology specially formulated for your cat. Once applied to your cat's skin it rapidly enters the bloodstream and travels to the intestines where the two active ingredients kill worms on contact.

When do I use Profender?
Profender is extremely effective at killing worms that are present in the intestine at the time of treatment. However, it does not act like a vaccine to protect against future infection. That's why regular treatment is essential to maintain your cat's health. Cats can be reinfected from the environment and contact with other pets.

Adult cats: Treat with Profender every 3 months

Kittens: Treat with Profender at 8, and 12 weeks of age and thereafter every 3 months.

Pregnant cats: Treat with Profender at mating, before birth of the kittens and then every 3 months.

Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, No. 9643

Price: $43.90
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