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Topflite Chicken Starter 5kg
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Topflite Chicken Starter 5kg

Topflite Chicken Starter 5kg


Get your flock off to the best possible start with this quality no hassle, easy-to-eat crumble.

This premium feed crumble is made to a specific formulation of protein, carbohydrate and fat with added vitamins and minerals so your layer chicks aged between 0-8 weeks can have everything they need to stay happy and healthy.

  • An easy to feed, no-fuss crumble.
  • High in protein for maximum growth
  • Formulated for young layer chicks.
  • Perfect pecking nutrition

Feeding guide:  Feed should always be fresh and available.  Intake will be small at first but as they grow their daily feed intake will increase.  Always ensure birds have access to clean, fresh water.

Crude Protein 19%, Available Lysine 9.5g/kg

Protein 20% max, Fibre 5% max, Fat 4% max.

NOTICE: Do not feed to sheep, cattle, deer, goats, buffaloes or other ruminant animals. This product contains or may contain ruminant protein. Do not allow dogs, horses or other equids or camelids access to feeds containing monensin as fatal toxicosis may result.

Ingredients selected from: Grain  and  grain  by-products,  plant  proteins,  vegetable  oils,  animal  fats,  enzymes,  amino  acids,  limestone,  mono  or  dicalcium  phosphate,  salt,  sodium  bicarbonate,  vitamins,  trace  minerals, organic acids and plant extracts and coccidiostat.

CONTAINS the coccidiostat Rumensin® 20% Millmix which is registered pursuant to the ACVM Act, 1997. ACVM Number A009107. See for registration conditions.


Meat Chickens: Meat: Nil

Replacement Pullets: Meat: Nil

Eggs: 10 days

Price: $29.49
Stock AvailabilityReviews
Retail Stores:
Lower HuttIn Stock
Upper HuttIn Stock
Lyall BayIn Stock